Lava Iris 88 IMEI Repair Tool

                                               Lava Iris 88 IMEI repair Tool

Model:- Lava Iris 88

Software Version:- LAVA_iris88_2_16_S232_INT_18H20

CPU Type:- MT6739

File Details:

File Name: MauiMETA_exe_v9.1724.17.00
Size: 63.1MB
Supporting OS: Windows XP, Vista, 8, 10
Installation: No required (portable)

*How to Use Maui Meta 3G/4G Imei Repair Tool?

  1. Extract all the files. Now you need to open the Maui Meta folder and run the file as Administrator.
  2. Wait until application appears on the screen.
  3. Under the connection type, choose the option accordingly.
  4. Now click on the Reconnect from the top-right corner.
  5. Next switch off your phone and connect it with your computer using USB cable.
  6. The yellow color will appear in the circle if the device is successfully connected. It is red by default.
  7. When your phone is connected, connected with target message appear on the tool.
  8. Now choose the IMEI download option from the drop-down.
  9. New dialog box appears on the screen. Click on Change NVRAM database file.
  10. Now choose the BPLGUIinfo file. The file would have a long name.
  11. Now enter starting 14 digits of IMEI you wish to be your next IMEI and in CheckSum write the 15th digit of IMEI.
  12. After it, click on Download to Flash.
Note: If IMEI has any issue in appearing then click on Upload from flash instead.
  1. Once the process is done, you will get a message at bottom – “Download IMRI to flash successfully”.
  2. Now you are done.



                                                CONTACT :-SHIVSHANKAR_9811088652

Viber / Whatsapp / IMO: +9779811088652

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